17 de juny 2012

Jo can, tu can

LIFE! Let's celebrate and enjoy it! Because we only have one lifetime to experiment life as the beings we are now. We're so fortunate to walk this mother Earth and discover all the amazing treasures she has. Breathe, taste, run, dance, experiment and throw yourselves in the explosion of LIFE!

Watercolor & Ink

Another portrait! :: Mima

I love my friends because they're full of life...

I had the idea for this one last Autum, when walking the streets of my village in Mallorca. Suddenly I came accross a bunch of leaves red like blood; it seemed they were heaving their last sigh of life before the cold winter, trying to retain that vanishing life... An explosion of passion in front my eyes!


25 d’abril 2012


The wheel of time keeps on turning and Saturn embraces us when at 30 the cycle is gonna start...

Portraits for friends who have turned 30.
Ink and watercolor on paper : 30x21 cm.

Horóscopé marbré

Having fun interpretating the Zodiac signs!
Acrylic and watercolor

The magic boot

The client, an Italian guy, wanted to give a very special present for Xmas for his girlfriend, an Indian girl... A personalized children's book with her as main character and a surprise at the end... The girl in the book meets a magical boot, whose owner is a young guy. They become very good friends, and in the last page he asks her: "Do you want to marry me?"


The story of Neha and Imran

This book was done as an special gift. The client, Indian woman living in the US, wanted to make a unique present to her sister, pregnant of ther first child. She wanted to illustrate her sister's life in form of a children's book... The story of an Hindu-Muslim couple!


Count to ten

Freddie, if Tom is bothering you, before getting angry better count to ten...

Simple illustrations for a short children's book - English client